Spring Capacity Building Grants

**Applications are currently closed**


The Spring Capacity Building Grant Cycle will support the operations, growth, and sustainability of local nonprofit organizations, especially new, grassroots, and BIPOC-led organizations, through infrastructure and software/technology capacity building grants. Applications will be open from February 1-28. The maximum request amount will be $2,500 and the CFJC intends to make grant awards to multiple organizations for capacity building support. The funding pool for this grant cycle will total $25,000. These requests will not be program specific, but rather serve a capacity or operational need for the organization. Please read the guidelines below for detailed information on priority areas for funding, eligibility requirements, and more. We look forward to supporting Johnson County nonprofit organizations’ capacity building and sustainability in 2025.

The Community Grants are reviewed by a team of community members and approved by the CFJC’s board of directors. All applications must be submitted via our online grants portal; if assistance is needed to access the grants portal or while applying, please reach out to Ellie Moore at ellie@cfjc.org or (319) 337-0483. Please see below for grant requirements and resources.

Please read full Capacity Building Grant Guidelines prior to applying.

Capacity Building

As defined by the National Council of Nonprofits, “capacity building is an investment in the effectiveness and future sustainability of a nonprofit.” The CFJC is focusing the 2025 Capacity Building Grants on infrastructure and software/technology to support upgrades and updates that will make a long-term impact on the grantee organization and its ability to effectively and efficiently serve their mission.

Nonprofit Grants Info Session

The CFJC hosted a virtual Nonprofit Grants Info Session on January 14th which covered the grant program timeline, eligibility requirements, online grants portal tips, and more! We highly recommend anyone anticipating they will apply for a grant watch the recording linked to the right.

Grant Process and Timeline

Applications are submitted via our online grant system.

The application period opens on February 1st and closes at 11:59 pm on February 28, 2025.  All applications will be reviewed by a community selection committee and applicants will be notified of the decision in early May.

Grant awardees will be required to submit a follow-up report on the use of funds. See below for more information on grant reporting.

Grant Application Open: February 1st
Grant Applications Due: February 28th
Decisions and Awards: Early May
Grant Reports: December 31, 2025

Eligibility Requirements

Qualified organizations include those recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, government entities, or charitable programs. Organizations working in the field(s) of health and human services, education, the arts, the environment, youth services, social services and any other charitable field are eligible to receive grants from our granting programs. Organizations must be located in or significantly serve residents of Johnson County, Iowa. If you have a question about eligibility, please contact Ellie Moore at Ellie@cfjc.org or (319) 337-0483.

Grant Recipient Reporting Requirements

Grantee organizations will be required to publish either (1) a public social media post, (2) a section in an organizational e-newsletter, OR (3) a direct mailing to organization constituents, promoting the grant award and its impact, naming the Community Foundation of Johnson County as a funding partner. A copy of the published material should be sent to ellie@cfjc.org or mailed to: Community Foundation of Johnson County, Attn: Ellie Moore, 501 12th Ave, Suite 102, Coralville, IA 52241 by December 31, 2025. Promotional materials relating to the grant project and outcomes should include “funding provided by the Community Foundation of Johnson County”. Any organization that does not comply with the due diligence process will not be considered for additional grants until compliance is met.

Photo Description: Female school teacher high-fiving a student on their way into the Englert Theatre.

Credit: Englert Theatre

Preparing to Submit a Grant Application

All grant applications must be submitted through our online grants portal. If you are using this system for the first time, you will be asked to create a username (your email address), password and an organizational profile. Before you open a new account, we recommend collecting the following information about your organization:

  • Organization Name
  • Organization Tax ID Number (Employer Identification Number)
  • Complete Organization Contact Information
  • Complete Organization CEO/Executive Director Contact Information

More information and resources for navigating the online Grants Portal can be found here.

Areas Not Funded By Grant Programs

Our application-based granting programs are intended to meet the diverse needs of nonprofits and the people they serve. There are some activities we do not fund with these granting programs, due to our policies and funding priorities. The following areas or program types are not funded by application-based grant programs of the Community Foundation of Johnson County.

  • Deficit funding or debt retirement
  • Direct financial support to individuals
  • Political or lobbying activities
  • Projects that are not for a charitable purpose
  • Projects or events that have already been completed
  • Religious or sectarian activities that attempt to convert a person to a particular faith or perspective, or social service activities that require participation in such
  • Organizations or activities which do not comply with our nondiscrimination and diversity policy.

Photo Description: Female firefighter assisting male firefighter to get his gear on properly.

Credit: Future Builders of Iowa


If you have any questions about the Spring Capacity Grants Cycle, please contact Ellie Moore at Ellie@cfjc.org or (319) 337-0483.