Book Club

Nonprofit Book Club

The CFJC’s Nonprofit Book Club has read and discussed 11 books together, and we welcome you to join us for Book #12! This opportunity is open to anyone – donors, nonprofit partners, and community members. The Nonprofit Book Club is an informal space for professional development, networking, and learning. We hope you can join us.

The Blue Sweater

Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World

Join us for Book #12 – “The Blue Sweater” by Jacqueline Novogratz. We will read the full book individually and meet in-person once on August 29th at 3pm at Pat & Fran’s in Coralville. Jacqueline is the Founder & CEO of the Acumen Fund, a “global community changing the way the world tackles poverty.” The Blue Sweater is her memoir, a story of how one blue sweater highlights the interconnectedness of our world, and the ways in which we can work together to bridge the gaps in our society. Check out the video on this page to learn a little more! We hope you will join us on August 29th to discuss the book at Pat & Fran’s in Coralville at 3pm.  Please RSVP below to let us know you can make it. All are welcome to attend!

RSVP for the August 29th Discussion

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Get your book today! A list of local bookstores is available here if you’d like to shop local.


Resources mentioned in discussion and shared by book club members:

Leaders Eat Last (Simon Sinek)

We Heard It When We Were Young (Chuy Renteria)

Dare to Lead (Brene Brown)

Philanthropy Revolution (Lisa Greer)

The Light We Carry (Michelle Obama)

Changing the World Without Losing Your Mind (Alex Counts)

The Last Suspicious Holdout (Laddee Hubbard)

Made to Stick (Chip & Dan Heath)

Make the Impossible, Possible (Bill Strickland)

No More Duct Tape Fundraising: A Nonprofit Leaders Guide to Raising More Money (Rachel Ramjatten)

Joan Garry’s Guide to Nonprofit Leadership (Joan Garry)