The Better Together 2030 Initiative is not an initiative of the Community Foundation of Johnson County. It is a community-wide collaborative strategic vision which the CFJC supports. This page contains information specifically around the fundraising efforts of the Better Together 2030 Campaign. You can find the Better Together 2030 website here.
Better Together 2030
CFJC's Commitment to Better Together 2030
The Community Foundation of Johnson County prides ourselves on being good community partners, bringing community issues forward for conversation and convening, and connecting community resources together to work toward a shared goal. CFJC staff members took part in initial conversations around the building of the Better Together 2030 Community Vision, completed the community-wide survey in the initial phase of the plan’s development, and connected the Project Better Together leadership with our Board of Directors to engage these important community leaders in the work. The Community Foundation’s Board of Directors determined this community-wide strategic plan and its implementation were a great fit with the mission and vision of our organization and in September 2022 the CFJC made a $50,000 investment in the Better Together 2030 Vision. We continue to be partners in the work, with Community Foundation staff co-leading the work of Pillar 5 – Re-imagined Human and Social Services.
What is Better Together 2030?
Project Better Together was our region’s leadership response to COVID-19. This leadership group met regularly and worked collaboratively to help our community survive, stand together, build resilience, and recover together through the pandemic. From this collaborative effort came Better Together 2030 – a community-wide strategic vision which enables all sectors of our community to work together toward shared goals. The vision work was spearheaded by the Iowa City Area Business Partnership, Iowa City Area Development Group (ICAD), Think Iowa City, and the Iowa City Downtown District and led by tri-chairs Angie Jordan, Banjo Knits Empowerment LLC, Dr. Barbara Wilson, President of the University of Iowa, and Kate Moreland, President of ICAD.
The community vision is built on three guiding principles:
to dismantle systemic inequity and deepen a culture of inclusion and belonging
among public, private, nonprofit, neighborhood and University players to develop innovative scaled solutions
to improve effectiveness and skill through effort, persistence, and the willingness to try new things
Give to Better Together 2030
Giving to the Better Together 2030 Fund held at the Community Foundation will support work in all 5 pillar areas: Champions of the Natural Environment; Authentic, Vibrant Neighborhoods and Districts; A Well-Connected Mobile Region; A Thriving Inclusive Economic Ecosystem; and Re-imagined Human and Social Services.
Each of these 5 pillar areas has a working group dedicated to moving the needle on specific target areas and goals within their sector. Your gift will support projects in these areas to benefit residents and visitors to our region. Please visit to learn more about these 5 pillars and the work happening in our communities!
Thank you for supporting our shared future.

Contact Better Together 2030
Cady Gerlach, Executive Director
Mail checks to:
Community Foundation of Johnson County
Memo Line: BT2030
501 12th Ave, Suite 102
Coralville, IA 52241