The CFJC Giving Catalog is a NEW donor giving tool on our website which facilitates crowd funding for current local nonprofit needs. This resource is designed to assist donors in finding nonprofit requests that resonate with their charitable giving. The tool allows nonprofit organizations to request funding for projects of up to $2,500 and our community to work together to fund those requests. Gifts of any amount are beneficial, as these gifts will pool together to make a larger impact for nonprofits in our community. Through the Giving Catalog, donors can give support to a list of specific funding requests with just a few clicks! Please note, gifts made through the Giving Catalog are not being made to endowment funds and thus do not qualify for the Endow Iowa Tax Credit Program.
Giving Catalog
Giving Catalog
Learn More
Click the link below to watch a recorded Information Session from Community Foundation staff about the Giving Catalog. The video walks through how the Giving Catalog works, how to make a gift, and answers questions you may have! Please note, the maximum request amount has changed to $2,500. If you have additional questions about the Giving Catalog, please email Anne at or give us a call at (319) 337-0483.
Ways to Give
Online Gift
Click the “Giving Catalog” button above to view the CFJC Giving Catalog. Browse the requests, and click on the blue “Donate” button to make an online gift using a credit or debit card through our secure portal.
Send your gift of cash or check with the memo “Grants Catalog: NAME OF REQUEST” to the Community Foundation of Johnson County at 501 12th Ave, Suite 102, Coralville, IA 52241. Cash or checks can also be hand-delivered to our office at the afore-mentioned address.
Donor-Advised Fund
Donors with donor-advised funds held here at the Community Foundation can make gifts directly from their funds to the Giving Catalog requests one of two ways. 1. Make a gift through the MyFund Donor Portal – indicating the recipient as the Giving Catalog Fund for the request you wish to support. 2. Email or call Julie Yoder at or (319) 337-0483 for her to facilitate the gift from your fund.
Welcome to the CFJC Giving Catalog!
Making a gift through the CFJC Giving Catalog supports the current needs of our local nonprofit partners – we appreciate your generosity!

Contact Us
Anne Barber
Director of Philanthropy
(319) 337-0483
Nonprofit Organizations: How to Request Funding
501(c)3 nonprofit organizations who are located in or significantly serving Johnson County (Iowa) are eligible to request a project for funding through the Giving Catalog. Organizations can only list one request in the Giving Catalog per cycle, which will be a 6-month period (July-December and January-June). Requests should be project-based, a maximum of $2,500, and monies raised will be awarded to the organization when the request is fully funded, or at the conclusion of the 6-month cycle. Please note, requesting a project does not automatically add it to the listing, CFJC staff will review all requests prior to their addition to the Catalog. If you have any questions regarding the process or your request, please email or call Ellie Moore at (319) 337-0483.
Please click the button below to watch a recorded Info Session from Community Foundation staff about the Giving Catalog. The video walks through how to request funds, best practices for using the tool, timelines for giving, and answers questions about this new resource! Please note, the maximum request amount has changed to $2,500.
The CFJC Giving Catalog is in its PILOT phase. Please provide CFJC staff will your thoughts, recommendations, and experience in utilizing this new donor giving tool. Our goal with this tool is to provide a resource for community donors to connect to true nonprofit needs in our community to facilitate giving and serve as an additional support to our nonprofit partners.