Since 2000, we have advanced philanthropy in our area by connecting those who care with those who need. The Community Foundation of Johnson County now administers over $50 million in charitable assets and has distributed over $21 million in grants to local and national nonprofit organizations.
Professional Advisors
Professional Advisors
We love assisting donors to find unique and meaningful ways to support the causes they care about. We wish to become your trusted advisor, as well. From Donor Advised Funds for personal or business charitable giving, to family endowment funds that can serve as a savvy alternative to establishing a private foundation, we have many options to meet your clients’ charitable giving goals.
We will assist you in ensuring that your clients receive generous tax benefits while giving back meaningfully to the causes they care most about. The Community Foundation also provides access to Endow Iowa Tax Credits, a 25% Iowa tax credit in addition to normal federal deductions for certain charitable gifts.
We are always honored when our professional advisors are willing to refer their clients to us and hold this relationship in the highest regard. We aim to provide exceptional service to you and your clients at every step of the giving process.
Charitable Giving Investment Partners Program
Helping your clients establish a charitable fund through the Community Foundation of Johnson County is now easier than ever. Our Charitable Giving Investment Partners program allows clients to establish funds at the Community Foundation while you continue to manage their assets.
Donors in the program gain access to all services the Community Foundation offers including maximum tax benefits, Endow Iowa Tax Credits, expert philanthropic guidance, and flexible giving options. Plus, the Community Foundation accepts a variety of gifts including cash, appreciated stock, real estate, and other assets.
How the program works:
- When your client makes a gift to the Community Foundation of $500,000 or more, we will establish an investment account with you, and you continue to provide investment services. The assets will be held in a fund set up in the donor’s name and will remain under your management. Together we will create a portfolio to invest charitable resources according to the Community Foundation’s Investment Policy.
- Your clients establish a fund at the Community Foundation and receive maximum tax benefits. If your clients establish Endow Iowa qualified funds, they are eligible to receive a 25% Endow Iowa Tax Credit in addition to a federal charitable income tax deduction.
- Your clients recommend grants from the fund, working with our professional staff to support the causes and organizations they care most about.
- The Community Foundation issues grant checks to charities your clients select.
- Your clients will receive a statement quarterly from the Community Foundation which details fund activity.
- Investment performance information is provided to the Community Foundation and your clients through your organization.
Gift Planning Resource for You & Your Clients
The Community Foundation has a website specific to planned giving with a host of useful resources for both you and your clients! The site has a plethora of information on different types of gifts, a simple will planner to get the process started, and even planned gift calculators that allow clients to see the income and tax benefits of different types of gifts. Visit the site here.

Community Foundation vs. Private Foundation
Establishing a charitable fund at the Community Foundation of Johnson County has numerous advantages over establishing a private foundation. Benefits of working with us include lower administrative costs, established tax-exempt status, additional tax benefits, professional investment management, no minimum annual distribution, and access to our staff of experts in philanthropy. When working with the Community Foundation, your clients have the option to choose their own investment managers or choose from our investment portfolios.