Please join the CFJC, Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation, MidWestOne Bank, RSM, and Simmons, Perrine, Moyer, Bergan PLC for a complimentary education seminar for legal, financial, and estate planning advisors. Planning for Success: 2023 Tax Updates, Implications and Strategies for Estate Planning will guide attendees through tax updates, business succession planning, wealth transfer strategies, updates to the Endow Iowa tax credit program, and specific farm-focused estate planning challenges. We hope you will register here to join us on Friday, March 31 at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center. Breakfast will begin at 7:45am and the program will be from 8:30am-12pm.
Planning for Success 2023

March 2023
7:45-8:30am | Networking & Breakfast
8:30am-12pm | Program
RSVP via email. phone, or online!
Phone: (319) 896-4096